
2022年7月18日—Whilethetwousuallycorrelate(meaningahigherCPwillyieldahigherHP),theCPisimportantifyouwanttousethePokémoninbattle.A ...,2021年9月10日—CPstandsforCombatPoweranddeterminesaPokemon'sstrength.ThesearedifferentfromIVs(IndividualValues)becausetheyareatotalstat ...,HighCPPokémonshouldbeusedduringbattling.However,IVscoresarethemostimportantfactorifyou'replayingthelonggame,adesirethatideal...

Why Your Pokémon's CP Matters in 'Pokémon GO'

2022年7月18日 — While the two usually correlate (meaning a higher CP will yield a higher HP), the CP is important if you want to use the Pokémon in battle. A ...

Pokemon GO

2021年9月10日 — CP stands for Combat Power and determines a Pokemon's strength. These are different from IVs (Individual Values) because they are a total stat ...

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP: What You Should Know?

High CP Pokémon should be used during battling. However, IV scores are the most important factor if you're playing the long game, a desire that ideal Pokémon, ...

Does IV matter more than CP in Pokemon Go?

2020年11月1日 — Yes IV is more important in POGO than CP, in the 2 lower divisions the best build would be low attack and high defenses, someone did the maths ...

Pokemon Go IV vs CP

2022年6月15日 — A Pokemon's combat power (CP) is an aggregated statistic that gives a rough idea as to how powerful they are. It is based on IV scores and that ...

Does CP matter?

2018年6月6日 — CP is only a small part of the combat capability of a pokémon, because pokémon type, stat distribution and attack moves are hugely important.

What's more important? IVs or high CP?

2021年2月7日 — IVs are way more important than CP over all. Evolution and CP is more important in a battle or Raid at the moment. A max IV level 5 Charmander ...

Does CP matter in Pokemon Go?

2019年9月10日 — First of all, CP is only important if you do Gym battles. That said, you should fully evolve a Pokémon before leveling it up. What you call “ ...

Is CP, the most important factor of a Pokémon?

2022年6月26日 — No. CP is a derivative number, obtained from a pokemons stats and level. But moves, typing, and a pokemons base attack stat are all more ...